
Eee Pad Set To Take On The iPad

Asustek Computer Inc., the company that started it all for the netbook, has unveiled a tablet computer to take on Apple's iPad.

The Eee Pad will use Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system and Intel's Core2Duo Processor. The Eee Pad will start selling in the first quarter of 2011.

Asustek will also be lauching an application store, much like Apple's App store. Austek's application store will be developed jointly with Intel and the will be running on Windows.

Jessie Lee, an Asustek spokeswoman, said there will be 10-inch and 12-inch models of the Eee Pad, which will sell for between $399 and $449. Asustek said the 12-inch model is designed to serve as a multimedia player, e-reader, and compact PC, and will come with a docking station that can be connected to a physical keyboard. The lighter, slimmer 10-inch model will be geared towards casual computing such as Internet browsing on-the-go.


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