Weird stuff is going on with Saudi Arabia's state firewall as it 'seems' to be blocking the popular social media site Facebook.
Once you log off Facebook and login again, you get the ugly green block page saying that the page is unavailable.
The block address indicates pornography as reason for the blockage but does the Saudi Arabia state firewall really have to block all accounts?
How to access Facebook in spite of.
A Working Workaround: So far, the main URL, is still working and the block page only appears after logging on.
The trick is to add additional characters to the main URL. For example:!/ or if you personalized ( your facebook user account then that will work too.
I hope this gets fixed soon. I'm not a facebook addict, but I do keep in touch with a lot of people through facebook. Help reinstate facebook in Saudi Arabia by clicking HERE.
[Source: facebookol]
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