
Android 3.0 "Gingerbread" Features Voice Chat And YouTube Leanback

As the rollout for the Android 2.2 "Froyo" upgrade is ongoing, the attention shifts to the next iteration of Android OS AKA "Gingerbread".

The Android 3.0 "Gingerbread" build will be optimized for latest trend in technology, tablets.

Phandroid got a first glimpse on the new Android build and notes that in addition to what appears to be a major graphical overhaul of icons and user interface, the biggest confirmed features coming in Android 3.0 include video chat support leveraging the Google Talk protocols and SIP support for Google Voice.

The standard icons on Android 3.0 have been redesigned for a simpler and cleaner look which should look great on the optimized 1280X760 resolution supported by the new OS.

With the Android handsets expected to serve as another remote controle for Google TV, the YouTube app on Anroid 3.0 will include the ability to control YouTube Leanback.

SIP, or Session Initiation Protocol in Google Voice will let users receive calls to Google Voice over Wi-Fi and cellular data.

Google confirmed that the new Android 3.0 "Gingerbread" will be out at the end of the year but declined further comment on the matter.

What other features do you think should be added to the upcoming Android 3.0?

[Source: Phandroid]


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